Friday, April 22, 2011

Lesser God

This blog is dedicated to the authentic Gnostic texts and how they are based on revelatory events that gets us near the Final Gnosis, the knowledge of why we’re here. These texts symbolize and tell of our creator, Life. And of her goal; survival. Gnosis is not limited to Christian Gnosticism, Gnosis we find in all cultures and in all times. What is the accepted definition of gnosis? Let’s start with the most accessible definition of Gnosticism, the first phrases on Wikipedia, and see if we can find a ‘lesser God’ or Life as a creator instead of an almighty One.

Gnosticism (Greek: γνσις gnōsis, knowledge) was a group of ancient religions that combined different elements from Hellenistic Judaism, Greco-Roman mystery religions, Zoroastrianism (especially Zurvanism), Neoplatonism, and eventually Buddhism and early Christianity. It taught that some esoteric knowledge (or Gnosis) was necessary for salvation from the material world, which was created by some intermediary figure (or demiurge) instead of God.

I thought this to be a good start for this blog.